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It was a beautiful day for a wedding here today, and these folks took full advantage of the situation!

Prepping and primping…

Evidently the size XXS tux didn’t fit this little guy, but he was sure cute.

Billie Jo looked like a movie star! They had a 1920s theme complete with the music of the era.

Quite a smashing bunch of guys, no?

One of the bridesmaids got him on the cheek, but we’ll never tell…

As I was walking back to the house following the big day, this guy was hanging out next to the front door. I hear they’re supposed to be good luck, so we’re hoping that’s the case for all involved in today’s event. Best wishes to the happy couple and their great family.

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This is our friend Taylor. You might remember her from some recent cheerleader shots. Anyway, Taylor decided she wanted to enter the Fairest of the Fair contest this year, so we volunteered to help (it is the volunteer state you know…)

Here she is practicing her speech and poses for the runway.

There were going to be some skates involved, but that got changed at the last minute. She did practice a lot though…

as her loving coach/stylist/beauty queen consultant looked on.

Here she is just before leaving for the fairgrounds. I wasn’t sure about the hair thing, but I knew they had a plan.

And voila, instant beauty queen! (we can just imagine Stevie Wonder playing “Isn’t she lovely” in the background, no?)

She even got a trophy!!!

And although it wasn’t the biggest trophy in the house, she was very proud, and we were all very proud for her. After all, it was her first time. We have a feeling it won’t be her last…

Congratulations Taylor! Good job.

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