We had a great time with Robbie, Dewan and their family on their wedding day. It was a beautiful day for a mountain wedding and these were great folks.
While at their reception Dewan stood up to speak to everyone. I don’t have his exact words, but he basically said… “I don’t know if any of you brought us a gift and that doesn’t matter at all. What matters most to me is that you took the time and energy to travel here to the Smoky Mountains to share this special day with us and make this great lady happy.”
That seems to be the sentiment of a lot of our guests here at Bluff Mountain Inn. After months of planning, picking out colors and decorations, tuxes and wedding dresses, to finally be here and have the time to spend with their loved ones, and to have their family come from all over to share the occasion sometimes is a little overwhelming. That’s why it’s our pleasure to be able to do what we do.
Here are just a few of my favorite shots…